Here’s a page where I attempt to keep myself honest with a list of the major-ish projects I’m currently working on and what stages those projects are in. I’ll probably mess with the organization here kind of a lot (front burner? back burner? side burner?) and try to keep things up to date. This is a project in and of itself, but I’m not going to put it on my list because that’s just too self-referential.
Today’s Worklist
Couch-Back Table
This is a butcher block table plan that i’ve been thinking about for years and am only now executing. It’s to made from reclaimed pallet wood.
Currently: I’m planing each board to 1/2″ in 2-hour stints. this part has turned out to be a lot more work than I’d hoped, but it’s teaching me about how best to use my planer. it’s also teaching me that pallets are made from lots of different kinds of wood. I’lll finish the planing in the next couple days and update this for the cutting.
I’m always going to try to have a writing project on tap,
breaking my decade-old writing embargo resolution
Writing Project(s)
- I’m working on a low-budget motorcycle maintenance script right now. I have the first act plotted out and I know where we eventually get to, but I’m nowhere near having story beats for the second or most of the third acts. It’s going to take work to get this script written, it turns out.
- Not 100% pure writing, but I want to get back to updating Clapboard on the regular, as well as updating old posts to fit the current world of wordpress 5+
One offs
Bottle some wine!
This one should be a snap, but for some reason I’ve been avoiding it like the plague. Gotta get it done so i can get it off the plate! Do I have corks to use? Probably not, but checking on that is priority #1.
Change some oil!
Two motorcycles stand in need of oil changes, and two cars need oil checks, at the very least.
Crosscut Sled!
I need to build a crosscut sled for my table saw. First I have to learn HOW to build a crosscut sled, so there’s that.