Pictures and Stories from the land of touring.
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Pictures and Stories from the land of touring.
and was, indeed, as real as it got. I did a couple gigs on the Runaway to Paradise with Jon Bon Jovi cruise last weekend, and although I didn’t take…
Here i sit in the AA lounge, having been productive (kind of) in the last couple hours by cataloging my writing projects and re-familiarizing myself with them, and now I…
I failed to update much while I was home. I did not, however, fail to be busy. Jeep rhinolining came in and it’s AWESOME.
I know everybody gets their stuff on FB anymore, but for people who still use the internet as if it’s not a revival of AOL in 1996, here’s the first…
and wow I’m tired!We’ve been running hard this month, no doubt. I’m in Cologne today for a show, yesterday was a show in Stuttgart, Wednesday was Gdansk, Tuesday was Berlin……
…and only now am remembering it.
But not how you’d think. This time, I put my stuff through, and (it turns out) someone grabbed my bag thinking it was theirs. It was a real pain in…
As you know, I’m on tour with Bon Jovi.
What do you think of that? I’ve been in central Canada for a few days now, and I can tell you that it’s cold here. Calgary and Edmonton were somehow…
I should be asleep, given that it’s 130am, but I’m somehow awake.
So we’re in Canada, and the show is in full swing. Montreal loved us, which is always nice, and we’re setting up in Toronto for show #1 of 2 in…
This is why they call it rehearsal, I guess. I’ve been trying and failing to bring in gear via traditional channels (Amazon, Newegg) and Overnight shipping, but something isn’t working,…
So it’s early morning in Stuttgart and I’m not sleeping, which is dumb.
The gig in London went off, albeit with a minor hitch, and though we managed it, I do have cause to re-focus my efforts on making my kit that much better. Of course, that means spending money, but still. Better gear is better gear. There’s also two more gigs in the offing right now, so that’s a good thing.
So American Airlines changed its logo.
Today promises to be hot and humid, muggy and all-around July-in-Georgia weather. Scattered thunderstorms? Yeah. Humidity in the low 90’s? Yeah. I know nothing about our show except that it’s…
I made it home!
24 hours on planes and in airports from Lisbon made it happen, but despite the absurdity of security theatre, lost passports (yes, I lost my passport on the flight from Portugal to LHR) and fat guys in middle seats, I made it home anyway.
After Barcelona (which was every bit as cool as I remembered it, btw), we went up to San Sebastian.
I’m in Barcelona at the moment, checking my emails and generally getting caught back up on the world since I’ve been offline the last few days.
I made it to Athens, survived the 4-shows-in-5-days nonsense and managed to spend a couple hours this morning at the top of the hill in the Acropolis.
I’ve been *days* without internet. It’s been amazing and horrifying, enlightening and torturous. We’ve done 4 shows in 5 days and I’m fucking exhausted, to be totally honest. Landed in…
As if this doesn’t make you want to play Civ somehow…
Istanbul was way cooler than I thought it would be.
Maybe it’s because I’m a guy (I heard that some of the girls on our tour dealt with sexism that would miss me entirely) and maybe it’s because I had just come from Cairo, where literally everything was either falling down or being put up and the people were pretty much unaffected by all of it, maybe it’s because Takumi had a friend who was willing to drive us around and play tourguide, or at least tour facilitator, but whatever the cause, I was impressed.
More nonsense after the break.
(Pic moved to after the break)
Aarhus (or Arhus with a circle over the A) is a nice little town.I know it’s been awhile since I’ve updated – the big updates somehow intimidate me and I shy away from writing them.
I’ve been doing shows. Since last I updated, i think it’s been four, with a fifth tonight. A lot, whatever the number is. Des Moines, Atlanta, Orlando and Houston in…
I haven’t written a hotel review in awhile, so here’s one for you.
The Sheraton New Orleans hotel has fascinating elevators with no floor buttons, but air conditioners that don’t condition and all-flat-sheet bed construction.