And a few movies.
I played Volleyball yesterday.
If this website serves no purpose other than to enlighten you to a solitary fact about my personality, let that single fact be that I love to play volleyball. It makes me happy. Got three games in down in Santa Monica with a girl that works at a company with whom we have business dealings here at Relativity, and it turns out that she loves volleyball, too. We talked about making it a weekly event, but well have to see how it goes because if theres one thing that a year in LA has taught me, its that planning for the future is an exercise in futility.
That said, I also played a little bit of XBox live this weekend. I still havent really graduated past Island Thunder (unless Mike is playing Street Fighter), but I will soon. I think this week, should I be able to escape any sort of social obligation (likely, considering that Im me), Ill play some of the NEW Ghost Recon game and re-learn the differing ropes. Yay for online play invigorating an aging platform. Im almost certain that Ill buy the new XBox on launch day, which would be my first launch-day console purchase ever. It would actually be my first console purchase of any sort since the Sega Genesis. Weird.
I also saw KUNG FU HUSTLE (fun, fun movie), SIN CITY (beautiful, stylish, brooding) and a third film, the title of which I dont know because it was a screening that I walked into the middle of. I love seeing movies, too. Pretty much nothing else happened this weekend. I didnt go out either night (I slept for 12 hours on Friday night, though, which is some kind of personal record), I went to the Hollywood Farmers Market on Sunday AM then climbed the hill at Griffith Park before going to the screening and then to Volleyball.
Also, Im trying a .png on the site now, so if you see a weird gray box around the ball, upgrade your browser or wait for Microsoft to force IE7 on you.