I did it. Sprint made me an offer I couldnt refuse.
Impressions so far:
- Its worth the price of the phone ($150 after MIR) just to have the GPS
- The touch-screen typing is easier than I thought it would be
- Phone functions work intuitively, and theres less chance than on my Centro of muting/hanging up/switching a call with my face
- A PDA, this is not – its a phone and internet device first.
- Visual Voicemail is strangely missing from the phone. It does seem to download messages and plays them much faster than other phones Ive used. Its likely that I dont understand what visual voicemail is, somehow.
- The phone came with a stylus, but no place I can find to stick it, and a strap-hole and no strap to attach. Interesting.
- Shipping with a second battery makes the Instinct cheaper, and the included battery charger makes it even cheaper. Aftermarket, these things would be at least $50.
- The UI has a nice “bounceback” effect. It aint the iPhones accelerometer, but what the hell, it looks cool.
- The sync software has a bug that insists that my username and pwd are wrong, but multiple retyping (and checking on the sprint.com site to verify) doesnt solve the problem.
Thats it for now – more notes to follow, no doubt. GPS for the drive with Drew should be fun. Airplane GPS? Sweet.