So my landlord finally realized that selling our complex for a price that makes the mortgage 50% more than you could collect in rent wasnt going to work. Instead of lowering the price, what hes done is decided to convert the place into condos, which means that the owners are more likely to (have to? I dunno…) move in and kick us out. CA residence laws say that you cant kick out a tenant to move in a higher-paying tenant, and indeed the only way to make someone move out is if youre buying it to live in or knock down and rebuild. Since there are three apartments in this complex, theres no way you could live in all of them, so youre stuck with at least two renters paying too little to help you cover the massive mortgage.
The process will supposedly take six months to complete, and until then the property is going off the market. When the necessary paperwork is completed, theyll put the individual properties up for sale at inflated prices (no doubt you can get more for any given property alone than you can get for all three together) to people willing to kick us out. If I knew he couldnt fill these spaces while the process was underway, Id definitely seriously consider moving out. But since this is LA, hed fill these things on a month-to-month in a heartbeat and Id be stuck moving somewhere again.
In other house-related news, we have a leak that Ive been ignoring pretty much 100% since it started a month ago. Landlord hasnt deigned to fix it, and now Ive got no incentive to remind him because its ruining the floors and making the place less saleable. Sometimes I really hate rich people.
Anyway, anyone who knows a thing or two about CA rental law is encouraged to chime in here. Anyone who knows about any excellent spaces in Hollywood is ALSO encouraged to chime in here, given that Im looking to have to move AGAIN. Renting is for the goddamn birds. Sos being poor.