So, after ill-advised drinks in Brisbane last night, I slept my entire day away today, give or take. I mean, I walked about a little, but just sitting in the room reading and laying about (and following the goddamn Eagles’ squeaker on the interwebs) was my goal of the day. and boy did i win at my goal. I may go out and get a bite to eat in a little while (i realized, while trying to assess why I was hungover this morning, that part of it had to do with the fact that my last meal was dinner on Saturday, and the sandwich on the plane at noon on Sunday probably didn’t count as much as I thought it did. Days off are great for my diet, I guess, although eating less on days ON would be more beneficial, since I only have 2 days off. Ah well.
Anyway, I’ve missed the internet while I was in Brisbane, but it doesn’t seem to have been an awfully eventful few days online or anything.
Happy Sunday/Monday night!