Saturday night I told Matt I wanted to make my W drinks happen. I texted Candice to let her know we’d be coming to her hood (she’s a hollywood local now) and she decided to come too. Matt and I stopped by her apartment and then began to make our way to the bar, ever so slowly. Hollywod Blvd is normally a nightmare on Saturday night, but this time it was especially awful. I noticed up ahead of us a very bright light…..heaven? aliens? Did Ben turn that damn wheel again??? Nope. Just a huge crane with lighting equipment and a ridiculously massive white reflector precariously hanging over a cop car. One of the few places in the world in which the reason for traffic is a film shoot–I can’t say I was mad.
The film shoot happened to be JUST outside the W, so we miss the valet park (supposedly $5 for the first 2.5 hours, then $3 for every hour afterward…). This actually turns out to be a good thing. We find 2 hour meter parking nearby that ends at midnight. Do the math–that’s $4 to park there the rest of the evening. Yes! Where’s this amazing parking you ask? I’ll never tell…(RIP Britney Murphy).
After parking, Matt, Candice and I make our way past the maze of lines being set up for the W’s nightclub, Drais (a non-after hours version of the Vegas one?) and step into the lobby. Uh oh.