Somebody’s been on the road! That somebody is me!
I spent yesterday getting caught up on shit I missed and have been behind on. I did a pretty good job, but I have no idea what Sophie is going to do today. Maybe post my Craigslist crap again. Anyway, until the changeover is complete, I can’t do much of anything on the Beta site, and I’m about ready to be furious about that one. I’m not sure how, but I have to be better about staying on top of my programmers and choosing programmers with the time and skills to get the job done in a decent timeframe.
Anyway, the trip was awesome, seeing everyone, doing fun stuff. Casey got me passes to the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame 25th Anniversary benefit concert (full post on that coming soon), but highlights were Metallica & Ozzy playing together, U2, Stevie Wonder and Simon & Garfunkel on stage together. The music was fun, and the fact that Casey could get me into the afterparty on top of all that was really amazing. It was held three blocks from my former room on Jane street, and the transformation of the area was just stunning. The fact that there were rock stars and famous music people (and Tom Hanks) there was just icing on the cake. It’s not like I was going to talk to any of those people, right?
Anyway, after that, I went down to Bay Ridge and spent Halloween there, dressed in a monk robe and watching movies. More like talking through movies, actually, but what the hell. It was good to see the whole Tumminio clan together, and nice to just relax after a few days of running my ass off. Fun times.
Now I’m sitting at the computer, stuffed up all to hell, unable to breathe, and absurdly dry (paradoxically) from my third 24-hour claritin in the last 24 hours. Fucking hell. Ah well. When I have a minute, I’ll research allergists and call one up to see if he can help me. Now I have to stop writing and start working again (I already did a bunch of stuff this morning – woot).
This, by the way, was Ozzy fronting for Metallica as they did Crazy Train.