So Im cleaning off my back desk in anticipation of building something to hold the mess better, and I pulled no fewer than four oldish cards off the desk. I knew Id been messing with options (Vista has problems with mixing & matching vendors in a multi-card setup, it turned out), but FOUR?
So Im wondering if theres something really cool I can do with these cards. I remember reading that GFX processors are really good at certain types of calculations, but its not like I remember what types they are. I figure that maybe I can buy a MoBo and re-use some random RAM (Im sure I can find *something*) and put together a system that, hell, I dunno, does Folding@Home really well. Maybe renders video. Maybe downloads porn.
Heres what Ive got:
- HIS Hightech H700H64 64MB
- 3D Fuzion GeForce FX 5500 256MB
- Visiontek Radeon X1550
- ASUS Radeon HD 3450 256MB
I know I could replace the card in my WHS (and I might, but why?), and Im pretty sure none of these would suffice for a cool HTPC driver. Also, in regards to HTPC, I dont necessarily want to spend a lot of money to replicate the job my 360 and HD DVR are already doing, you know? I do like the *idea* of emulated games on the 65″, but its probably not worth all that. I guess just for Emulation, what I already have would work. Eh.
Okay, thats it for now. Any suggestions?