If October was a hair metal track from the 80s or something by Deathklok, thats how it would start. 100+F yesterday? Check. Another one today? Yup. I was like a lobster yesterday, though – by the time I realized that it was hot, it was too late. I mean, it was effin 91 IN THE HOUSE. Jesus. This morning I looked at the weather and saw that it was “only” going to 94 (supposedly) and put myself on high alert. at 10am, I checked, and it was already 84 inside. Fuck that noise – on comes the A/C.
A/C in October. Stupid weather. This should be happening on a weekend. Beach. That would rule.
edit:In case you thought I was foolish for my earlier decision, heres an anecdote and some figures. My thermometer said that it was only 84in the damp grass that the sun hadnt hit all day (thats where I keep the outdoor temp sensor), so I thought, “Maybe Ill open the house.” I opened the door to check things out and was hit by a blast of hot air. Stepping outside and into the sun, everything just got worse, so I grabbed the temp sensor, put it in the sun on a thick white cloth and left it for a few minutes. This is what it said when I glanced over a little while later. It topped out at ~135, and I A) was glad Id turned on the A/C, B) understood how things got so heat soaked so fast. I mean, last night, it was 15 degrees hotter inside than outside when I went to bed. Still. 3 hours after sundown.
Yeesh. Did I mention that its October 1st?