There are a lot of times in my life when i wish i had a camera, and last night was one of the standouts amongst those times.
On Russ invitation, I spent the evening at the NYC Playboy 50th Anniversary party. It was pretty amazing–the NY Armory is a big empty space that mustve cost a fortune to dress and light. The drinks were free and served by girls in their underwear, there were women in the requisite bunny suits dancing on a giant layercake-shaped stage in the middle of the room, and there was a dancefloor designed like a lagoon. It was all pretty swank. Hef was there, as was Pamela Anderson, JaRule and Ashanti (who sang Playboys birthday song). There was plenty of entertainment. The best entertainment of the night was definitely a very dedicated amateur who spent the night pretending to have sex with men on the dancefloor and showing off that she wasnt wearing any underwear.
As a general rule, I think I like to know a womans name before I can have an educated discussion on her pubic grooming habits. Maybe Im crazy.
Thanks go to Russ who is always there for doing fun stuff and comes through big when he says he will. Today, though, I slept forever, played videogames, worked on Surf Secret and generally bummed around, waiting to go to work at Hope & Faith, only to find out that because of the snow, they dont even need me. Weak.
Oh well. Ill just go play more videogames and go to bed early so that I can actually have a useful day tomorrow. Im beginning to think that I should write something again, but Im not sure what. Thats all for now.